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Showing posts from June, 2013

Man of Lead

Bet that knee's starting to hurt.   So DC and Warner Bros. have finally gotten around to re-rebooting live-action Superman with Man of Steel , and it's taken me about a week to figure out how to sum up my thoughts on this movie because I didn't hate it, I was entertained most of the time, and yet I didn't like it either. Ultimately, the  guys crystallized it for me with a part of their discussion of the movie. They were talking about how one of the scenes felt like it was just trailer fodder, and to me, the whole film feels like it was made just so they could then cut really awesome trailers from it. Everything looks great.  The cast fits and acts well.  The score is excellent.  ...if you cut it into a 2 minute trailer of the highlights.  The fantastic bits are perfect out of context, but in context they are unearned, disconnected, and undermined by the rest of the movie. I lay that problem at the feet ...