I've written a number of movie reviews in my short time blogging, but despite the fact that I am an avid reader, I've never had occasion to formally review a book. This particular one is special though because it was written by my good friend Ed Morrissey of HotAir.com , and it happens to be his first. The book is called Going Red: The Two Million Voters Who Will Elect the Next President - and How Conservatives Can Win Them . Can I just stop here for a second to ask...what is it with political books and ridiculously long subtitles? Imagine if we titled movies like that: The Shawshank Redemption: The Story Of A Man Who Crawled Through A River Of Shit And Came Out Clean On The Other Side. Anyway, while I was helping to fill in for Ed over at HotAir, he was traveling the country talking to people about their their previous election experiences and their views on the Republican Party. In particular, he visited counties in 7 states whose voters he believ...
Cranky T-Rex tears into meaty discussions of politics, philosophy, and culture with his sardonic wit.